About Us
Mission Statement of Gaming Chronicle
Gaming Chronicle's mission is to provide clear and concise information for online gaming enthusiasts. We strive to be the go-to resource that captures the imaginations of all types of people interested in understanding the inner workings of playing video games.
Our goal is to create informative, engaging, and accessible content that clearly outlines the purpose of our offering, captures the spirit of online gaming, and shows the common goals the gaming community shares. We aim to help both avid game hobbyists and casual game players rediscover the sense of wonder and excitement that online gaming brings.
At Gaming Chronicle, we believe that to play is human. We are committed to providing our readers with the knowledge and insights they need to fully embrace and enjoy the world of online gaming.
All information written by George Howson and Jarrod Partridge.
All images provided by Depositphotos.

George Howson
Engineer, Father, Travel addict, Writer, but most of all, a Gaming nut who is never afraid to ask the questions most would back out of and I always tell it like it is.
Jarrod Partridge
Founder of Gaming Chronicle, Ayrton's dad, Bali United fan, retired sports photographer. I live in Bali and drink much more Vanilla Coke than a grown man should.

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